One of Disney’s iconic fairy tales, Cinderella, is set to make a grand appearance on Disney+ in an entirely unique format. The movie is undergoing a significant 4K restoration in line with the World Princess Week festivities. The restoration will not only be a tribute to the fairytale, but also coincide with Disney’s century-long journey of global entertainment, highlighting the critical role played by Walt Disney Animation Studios in shaping the company’s enduring legacy. This new and enhanced version is slated to arrive on the streaming platform on August 25, offering the highest quality viewing experience in terms of image and sound.
To achieve this feat, Disney had to retrieve the original nitrate negative from the Library of Congress, scan the sequential exposure color records in 4K, and then conduct a clean-up operation to eliminate as much dirt and artifacts as possible. Thanks to the latest restoration technology and guidance from experienced professionals at Walt Disney Animation Studios, the team managed to breathe new life into the 1950 adaptation of Charles Perrault’s story. Over seven decades after Cinderella first graced the big screen, her story is set to enchant us anew.
The romantic tale revolves around the protagonist Cinderella (Ilene Woods), who lives a life of servitude under her stepmother (Eleanor Audley) and stepsisters. Despite the overwhelming number of chores and lack of appreciation, Cinderella’s life takes a turn when the Fairy Godmother (Verna Felton) intervenes, giving her a chance to attend a royal dance. There, she falls for Prince Charming (William Edward Phipps), setting off a chain of events that lead to their heartwarming reunion.
Image via Walt Disney Productions
Why Disney’s Live-Action ‘Cinderella’ is a Success: It Bridges The Princess & Her Stepmother
The Role of Cinderella in Disney’s Live-Action Revolution
As Disney began converting their animated classics into live-action versions, Cinderella naturally found its place at the top of their list. Under Kenneth Branagh’s direction, the 2015 adaptation featuring Lily James in the lead role struck a chord with audiences once again, as the timeless tale of the unlikely princess seeking her happy ending resonated with viewers. With an impressive global box office collection of over $540 million, the film, which saw Cate Blanchett as the wicked Lady Tremaine and incorporated original songs for Cinderella’s journey, was a clear hit.
To understand the difference between the soon-to-be-released restoration and the original version of Cinderella, check out the image below. Don’t miss the restored version premiering on Disney+ on August 25:
Image via Walt Disney
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Cinderella 4K Restoration
When will the 4K restoration of ‘Cinderella’ premiere on Disney+?
The enhanced 4K restoration of ‘Cinderella’ is set to premiere on Disney+ on August 25, 2023.
What was involved in the process of restoring ‘Cinderella’ to 4K?
The process involved retrieving the original nitrate negative from the Library of Congress, scanning the color records in 4K, and then cleaning up the image to eliminate dirt and artifacts. This was achieved using the latest restoration technology and experienced professionals from Walt Disney Animation Studios.
How is the restoration of ‘Cinderella’ related to Disney’s centennial celebration?
The restoration is part of Disney’s celebration of a century of entertainment. It underscores the integral role of Walt Disney Animation Studios in shaping the company’s enduring legacy.
What is the story of Disney’s ‘Cinderella’?
‘Cinderella’ is a romantic tale about a young woman living a life of servitude under her stepmother and stepsisters. Her life takes a dramatic turn when the Fairy Godmother gives her a chance to attend a royal dance, where she falls in love with Prince Charming.
What was the response to Disney’s live-action remake of ‘Cinderella’ in 2015?
The 2015 live-action remake of ‘Cinderella’, directed by Kenneth Branagh and featuring Lily James in the lead role, was a success, earning over $540 million at the worldwide box office.
More about Cinderella 4K Restoration
- Disney’s Official Website
- Disney+ Streaming Service
- Walt Disney Animation Studios
- Original Cinderella Movie
- 2015 Cinderella Live-Action Remake
The restoration work sounds intense, kudos to Disney for preserving their legacy in this way. Looking forward to seein this!
Never get tired of Disney’s magic… my kids are so excited to watch Cinderella on Disney+ in 4k…nice one Disney!
Huh, wasn’t aware Disney had its century celebration coming up… they’ve been entertaining us for a 100 years! thats something to think about. Thanks for the heads up!
Just when you think Disney’s done it all… they go and do something like this. Restoring classics in 4K… Thats pretty awesome if you ask me.