Focus Features, a movie company, recently released the trailer for ‘Asteroid City’, which is the latest movie directed by Wes Anderson. It’ll be his 11th movie ever, and will be available in cinemas this June. The movie has been set at a Space Cadet convention in 1955 – a time when everyone was getting really excited about space exploration!
This film is the newest work of director Wes Anderson with Focus Features. It’s after his 3 previous movies, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Isle of Dogs, and The French Dispatch that had their distributing done by Searchlight Pictures. Indian Paintbrush company will help too and have been helping Anderson since Moonrise Kingdom which was released in 2012.
The trailer for the new movie “Asteroid City” has an aesthetic that looks very cool, but it also feels kind of spooky. The movie takes place in a world that looks both real and unreal at the same time. This awesome cast and fun setting could make this movie a classic!
Asteroid City is the first movie made by Anderson since 2021. It showed at the Cannes Film Festival, but it did not get nominated for an Academy Award which has not happened in five movies before this one. This is the first time since The Darjeeling Limited (a movie from 2007) that an Anderson’s film was not named as a nominee.
Making Informed Decisions
This passage is about how to make more informed decisions. It tells us that we should seek advice and opinions from people with the knowledge and experience, listen carefully to those opinions, think things through for ourselves, consider all available options thoroughly, and then finally make our own decision. In short, it’s important to be aware of facts around the situation before choosing a way forward.
The movie Asteroid City is directed by Anderson and co-written with Roman Coppola. Plus, Steven Rales and Jeremy Dawson are co-producers. The film stars Jason Schwartzman, Adrien Brody, Edward Norton, Tilda Swinton, Liev Schreiber, Bryan Cranston, Maya Hawke, Scarlett Johansson, Margot Robbie, Steve Carell, Sophia Lillis and Tom Hanks; these are all famous actors!
Asteroid City will be out in certain cinemas on June 16, 2023. Then, starting from June 23, it’ll be shown in more locations. We talked to Cranston about this movie and his work with Anderson. Check the link below for the trailer of the movie!
The short summary for the film is:
The plan for a Junior Stargazer/Space Cadet convention (a come together of students and parents from all over the nation for having fun and competing in educational activities) has gone awry due to global happenings.