On March 10, Netflix released a new movie called Luther: The Fallen Sun. It follows John Luther, played by Idris Elba, a detective known from the BBC series “Luther”. Just like any regular episode of Luther, the film also begins with a crime and its victim. However, the writer Neil Cross changed his original plan for this part of the movie.
When the movie starts, we meet Callum Aldrich who is a young man and he was kidnapped and killed by a millionaire serial killer called David Robey. The Independent spoke with Cross who was the writer of this story who revealed that originally the victim in question was written as a woman but Netflix asked him to change it. Cross said that female victims can be more frightening so he decided to keep it as a female character.
In the past, Luther had received criticism because the audience thought that there were too many female victims in its episodes. This time, Cross revealed that he changed the first victim according to what Netflix wanted and he thinks it was a good choice. He said, “Netflix asked me if I think about it. I was worried that it might be less scary but they were right.” And so, Callum’s death saw the introduction of DCI Odette Raine (Cynthia Erivo) who stepped up to find out who killed him.
Andy Serkis is talking about his experiences filming ‘Luther: The Fallen Sun’, competing with Idris Elba, and the upcoming sequel to ‘The Batman’.
Unlocking the Math Behind “Luther”
Making a movie from a series was tricky sometimes, but the team managed to film at Piccadilly Circus. People talked about the first victim and said that there weren’t enough female victims in Luther. Cross explained that if you do the math, there are actually more male victims than women. He recognizes that people can feel uncomfortable with this idea,but he stands by it.
You can watch the movie Luther: The Fallen Sun on Netflix now.