An unconventional horror narrative is set to make waves in the cinematic universe. FilmSweep is thrilled to premiere exclusively the inaugural trailer of Dear David, the silver screen adaptation of Adam Ellis’ 2017 Twitter saga that captured global attention. Ghosts typically haunt locations rich in ancient lore, but this phantom has evolved, manipulating modern technology to torment its prey. The upcoming project is directed by John McPhail, featuring Augustus Prew in the lead role, compelling viewers to reconsider accepting social media connections from unidentified sources.
Adam Ellis, portrayed by Prew, is a BuzzFeed scribe who fills his time illustrating the website’s content with his quirky designs. A confrontation over the quality of his art with a reader results in an unexpected follower on his account – a peculiar entity named “Dear David”. Sleep evades Ellis as a rocking chair in his room starts moving on its own, provoking him to question if he’s not alone, even if he can’t perceive the other presence. His reality starts to blur when he can’t differentiate between virtual events and physical reality. With the film’s concept originating from a former BuzzFeed staff member, the co-production of Dear David between Lionsgate and BuzzFeed Studios is only fitting.
McPhail’s cinematic portfolio spans a range of genres, with his adeptness at horror coming to the fore in Dear David’s initial trailer. McPhail’s last onscreen venture was the unexpected zombie musical, Anna and the Apocalypse, in 2017. By launching Dear David simultaneously in cinemas and online, Lionsgate allows audiences to choose their preferred viewing format right from the start – perfectly timed for Halloween.
Image courtesy of Lionsgate
‘Dear David’: Movie Adaptation of Adam Ellis’ Viral Twitter Ghost Tale Confirmed
Augustus Prew’s Ascendancy to Fame
While wrestling with a ghost smart enough to adapt to constant social media updates, Augustus Prew’s involvement in major projects is primed to catapult his career to the next level. Last year, the actor was seen portraying Médhor in the debut season of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. This new interpretation by Prime Video of Middle Earth’s history is set millennia before Peter Jackson’s iconic trilogy, laying the groundwork for the ensuing war depicted in the genre-defining films.
Dear David was penned by Mike Van Waes and produced by Richard Alan Reid, Michael Philip, Jason Moring, Naysun Alae-Carew, and Charlotte Walsh. Besides Prew, the cast includes Andrea Bang, Rene Escobar Jr., Cameron Nicoll, and Justin Long.
Catch the first trailer of Dear David below, ahead of the R-rated horror’s debut in theaters, on demand, and on digital platforms come October 13.
Read the film’s summary below:
Comic artist Adam (Augustus Prew) encounters sleep paralysis soon after responding to internet trolls. Simultaneously, an empty rocking chair starts moving in a corner of his apartment. Adam starts documenting increasingly sinister events in a tweet series, leading him to believe he is haunted by a deceased child named David’s spirit. Coaxed by his boss to continue the “Dear David” thread, Adam struggles to distinguish between the virtual and the real. The film is inspired by the viral Twitter saga of BuzzFeed comic artist Adam Ellis.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Dear David Trailer
What is ‘Dear David’?
‘Dear David’ is a film adaptation of Adam Ellis’ 2017 Twitter thread that narrated a unique horror story. The film is set to release in theaters and on digital platforms on October 13.
Who is directing ‘Dear David’?
‘Dear David’ is directed by John McPhail, known for a wide variety of films, including the 2017 zombie musical ‘Anna and the Apocalypse’.
Who is playing the lead role in ‘Dear David’?
Augustus Prew, known for his role as Médhor in the first season of ‘Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power’, is playing the protagonist in ‘Dear David’.
What is the plot of ‘Dear David’?
‘Dear David’ revolves around comic artist Adam, who starts experiencing sleep paralysis and increasingly sinister occurrences after responding to internet trolls. A peculiar entity named “Dear David” starts following him online, causing him to lose grip on the differentiation between the virtual world and reality.
Who wrote and produced ‘Dear David’?
‘Dear David’ was written by Mike Van Waes and produced by Richard Alan Reid, Michael Philip, Jason Moring, Naysun Alae-Carew, and Charlotte Walsh.
Which studios are behind ‘Dear David’?
‘Dear David’ is a co-production between Lionsgate and Buzzfeed Studios.
Who else stars in ‘Dear David’?
In addition to Augustus Prew, the film stars Andrea Bang, Rene Escobar Jr., Cameron Nicoll, and Justin Long.
What is the release date of ‘Dear David’?
‘Dear David’ is set to premiere in theaters, on demand, and on digital platforms on October 13.
More about Dear David Trailer
- Adam Ellis’ Original Twitter Thread
- John McPhail’s Filmography
- Augustus Prew’s Acting Career
- Anna and the Apocalypse – Official Trailer
- Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power – Prime Video
- Lionsgate Official Website
- Buzzfeed Studios
this sounds creepy af. followed the original thread back in 2017 and couldn’t sleep for days. hope the movie does it justice!
Can’t believe they made a film out of a Twitter thread, talk about modern day horror, man. McPhail has always done good stuff, looking forward to this.
omg!! this is sooooo freaky I cant wait to see it! David comin 4 us all this halloween lol
Who needs ancient castles for ghost stories? We’ve got Twitter now lol! sounds super cool and different, can’t wait to check it out.
I rmber the Dear David thread. It kept me up at night for sure. This is gna b epic!!
Always found Ellis’s work engaging and quirky, should be interesting how it translates to the big screen. Plus, Prew’s got some serious chops!
Love McPhail’s work, especially “Anna and the Apocalypse”. Curious to see his take on ghost stories. Can October come any sooner?!