Disney’s live-action remake of “The Little Mermaid” has emerged as an iconic and culturally impactful family adventure on the big screen this summer. Directed by Rob Marshall and starring Halle Bailey as the beloved Disney Princess, the film has made a significant splash at the box office since its late May release. The anticipation leading up to the remake’s debut was accompanied by extensive marketing and merchandise. Now, just when things seemed to calm down, Funko has delighted Disney fans by taking them under the sea one last time with an exclusive Ariel Funko Pop, available only at the San Diego Comic Con (SDCC).
This SDCC figure showcases Ariel in her enchanting mermaid form, elegantly swimming on a clear stand. While a Funko Pop line for “The Little Mermaid” had already been released, this is the first time fans can get their hands on a regular mermaid Ariel Pop. Previously, Funko released two other versions of Ariel from the remake: one in her human form wearing the iconic blue dress, and a premium Pop featuring mermaid Ariel surrounded by her friends Flounder, Sebastian, and Scuttle. The line also included Pops of Ariel’s father, King Triton, and the villainous Ursula the Sea Witch.
“The Little Mermaid” Making Waves
Despite initial concerns when the live-action remake opened with an impressive $95 million on its opening weekend, “The Little Mermaid” has managed to accumulate a substantial fortune, nearing $550 million at the global box office. Even after six weeks since its release, the film remains in the top 10, earning $3.5 million this past weekend. This achievement is noteworthy, considering its budget of $250 million, surpassing many major blockbusters released this summer. The success of the film can be attributed to its overall quality as a great movie. “The Little Mermaid” ranks among the top-tier Disney remakes, alongside “Cruella” and “Cinderella.”
Image via Walt Disney Studios
RELATED: “The Little Mermaid” Sets a Summer Digital Release Date
Arguably, “The Little Mermaid” may be the best modern remake Disney has ever produced. Credit is due to Marshall’s visually stunning direction, the exceptional musical score, and Halle Bailey’s extraordinary performance. Bailey effortlessly takes ownership of the role of Ariel, paying homage to Jodi Benson’s portrayal in the original animation while adding her own unique spin to the beloved character. Her stunning voice shines through her renditions of “Part of Your World” and the new song “For the First Time,” showcasing Bailey’s standout moments. Not only has she proven her critics wrong, but her film has also become one of the most successful cinematic ventures of 2023.
When is SDCC?
SDCC will be held at the San Diego Convention Center from Thursday, July 20 to Sunday, July 23, 2023. Ariel’s exclusive SDCC Funko Pop will be available at the event and soon on Funko’s website. In the meantime, “The Little Mermaid” is still showing in select theaters. Take a sneak peek at Ariel’s figure in the image below.
Image via Funko
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Little Mermaid SDCC Exclusive Funko Pop
Q: When was the live-action remake of “The Little Mermaid” released?
A: The live-action remake of “The Little Mermaid” was released in late May.
Q: What is the SDCC exclusive Funko Pop for “The Little Mermaid”?
A: The SDCC exclusive Funko Pop for “The Little Mermaid” features Ariel in her mermaid form swimming on a clear stand.
Q: Where can I find the Ariel SDCC exclusive Funko Pop?
A: The Ariel SDCC exclusive Funko Pop will be available at the San Diego Comic Con event and on Funko’s website soon.
Q: How successful has “The Little Mermaid” been at the box office?
A: “The Little Mermaid” has been a box office success, earning nearly $550 million worldwide and remaining in the top 10 after six weeks since its release.
Q: Who directed the live-action remake of “The Little Mermaid”?
A: The live-action remake of “The Little Mermaid” was directed by Rob Marshall.
Q: What makes “The Little Mermaid” stand out among Disney remakes?
A: “The Little Mermaid” is considered one of the top-tier Disney remakes due to its visually stunning direction, brilliant music score, and the exceptional performance of Halle Bailey as Ariel.
Q: When is SDCC taking place?
A: SDCC is scheduled to be held at the San Diego Convention Center from Thursday, July 20 to Sunday, July 23, 2023.
Q: How can I watch “The Little Mermaid”?
A: “The Little Mermaid” is currently showing in select theaters.
More about Little Mermaid SDCC Exclusive Funko Pop
- Disney’s Official Website
- Funko’s Official Website
- San Diego Comic Con Official Website
- IMDb Page for “The Little Mermaid” (2023)
- Rob Marshall’s IMDb Profile
- Halle Bailey’s IMDb Profile