In Barbie, Michael Cera’s portrayal of Allan, a distinctively different character compared to the other Kens and Barbies, is noteworthy. His unique take on the future of Barbieland sets him apart. According to Cera, Allan’s music preferences would reflect the era when he was discontinued in 1967. Allan’s distinctiveness, wisdom, and kindness make him endearing without being disruptive to the Barbies’ endeavors, leading to his acceptance in their close-knit group.
In the Barbie movie, Michael Cera takes on the exceptional role of Allan, the discontinued best friend of Ken (played by Ryan Gosling) who didn’t meet Mattel’s sales expectations. This character stands out because he doesn’t quite blend in with the other Kens or Barbies. Allan’s singular path offers him a unique perspective on the evolving future of Barbieland. In a recent chat with Perri Nemiroff from FilmSweep, Cera discussed how his character’s music choice is a reflection of the era when Allan was taken off the market:
This is quite a challenging question because Allan tends to fade into the background as a character. He definitely wouldn’t want to listen to the Ken song anymore, ever. What would Allan prefer to listen to, do you think? (…) Yes, soft rock. He was discontinued in 1967, so he’s kind of stuck in that time frame. Perhaps he would listen to “Crimson and Clover” on repeat.
In Greta Gerwig’s blockbuster hit, Stereotypical Barbie (Margot Robbie) enjoys an idyllic life filled with impromptu musical performances with friends and basking in the beach sunlight. However, everything shifts when Ken ventures into the real world and confronts patriarchy, inciting him and other doll versions to seize control of Barbieland. This disrespect towards the Barbies and their work unsettles their community, but Allan is not a part of it. He understands and supports the Barbies’ efforts.
In one of Helen Mirren’s narrative sections, it’s pointed out that among the numerous Barbies and Kens in Barbieland, Allan is the only one of his kind, adding to the fascination around his character. His uniqueness, wisdom, and kindness make him amiable enough that he fits in, even in a world dominated by Barbies. Allan does not obstruct the Barbies’ activities or attempt to hog the limelight. This is why he is accepted almost like a Barbie, while the Kens are not seen as equal members of the society.
Image via Warner Bros. Pictures
The Summer’s Box Office Sensation
After just a few weeks on the big screen, Barbie is poised to become this year’s top-grossing film worldwide. The blockbuster is expected to surpass the $1 billion mark this weekend, outperforming other titles like Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse and Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3. The movie has touched audiences globally with its story of a doll seeking her purpose in life. It will be interesting to see Warner Bros.’ next move with this property, but for now, life in plastic is indeed fantastic.
Don’t miss out on FilmSweep’s interview with Cera below: