After nearly four decades since the release of The Transformers: The Movie, fans are finally getting another animated film from the franchise. Transformers One aims to tell the origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron on their home world of Cybertron, exploring the events that led to their eventual conflict. This ambitious narrative requires depth and emotional resonance, and according to Scarlett Johansson, the film delivers exactly that.
During a press junket for the movie Asteroid City, where she portrays Elita in Transformers One, Johansson sat down with FilmSweep’s Steve Weintraub to share her thoughts on the film. While she couldn’t reveal much about her specific role in this first chapter, she had high praise for writer-director Josh Cooley, commending his ability to bring the story together with the gravity it deserves. Johansson was also in awe of the unique animation work done by Industrial Light and Magic, which she believes sets the film apart. She enthusiastically stated:
“I’m playing Elita and working with the incredible writer-director Josh Cooley, whom I adore and have collaborated with creatively in another capacity. The film looks unlike anything I’ve ever seen before; it’s so cool! The visuals have an awesome texture to them. And because Josh wrote it, it feels very dramatic. It’s funny, but it has so much heart, as all of his work does. I think it approaches this IP in a different way, standing on its own. It’s pretty exciting.”
Transformers One is set to be the first installment of a potential trilogy. With Johansson’s positive remarks and producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura’s hype, it’s a project worth keeping an eye on as its new release date of September 13, 2024, approaches. The film boasts an impressive cast, including Chris Hemsworth and Brian Tyree Henry as the younger versions of Optimus Prime and Megatron, alongside Keegan Michael-Key, Jon Hamm, and Laurence Fishburne.
Looking ahead to 2024, it seems to be a promising year for animation, with Transformers One and the highly anticipated Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse concluding its star-studded trilogy. Jason Schwartzman, who plays the villainous character The Spot in the film and the previous Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, also joined Johansson and Weintraub, teasing his character’s development in the finale. While Schwartzman couldn’t reveal much, he promised that The Spot in Beyond the Spider-Verse would be “bigger, badder, holier” without leaving any plot holes. The actor expressed excitement about the opportunity to tell one big story across two films and witness his character’s evolution.
Although both Transformers One and Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse are still over a year away, fans can catch Johansson and Schwartzman together in Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City, hitting theaters on June 23. Be sure to watch the trailer below for a glimpse of this captivating film!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Scarlett Johansson, Transformers One, animated film, praise, visuals
What is Transformers One?
Transformers One is an upcoming animated film that tells the origin story of the relationship between young Optimus Prime and Megatron on their home world of Cybertron. It explores how they ultimately fell apart on different sides of a conflict.
Who is Scarlett Johansson playing in Transformers One?
Scarlett Johansson portrays the character Elita in Transformers One. However, specific details about her role within the film have not been revealed yet.
When is Transformers One set to release?
Transformers One is scheduled to be released on September 13, 2024.
Who is involved in the cast of Transformers One?
The cast of Transformers One includes Chris Hemsworth as the younger Optimus Prime, Brian Tyree Henry as the younger Megatron, and Scarlett Johansson as Elita. Other notable actors in the film include Keegan Michael-Key, Jon Hamm, and Laurence Fishburne.
Is Transformers One part of a trilogy?
Yes, Transformers One is intended to be the first part of what could be a “natural trilogy,” indicating that there might be subsequent films continuing the story.
What other highly anticipated animated film is set to release in 2024?
Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse is another highly anticipated animated film scheduled to release in 2024. It concludes a starry trilogy and has generated significant excitement among fans.
More about Scarlett Johansson, Transformers One, animated film, praise, visuals
- Transformers: The Movie
- Scarlett Johansson
- Josh Cooley
- Industrial Light and Magic
- Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse
- Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City