Tom Hanks is set to headline the upcoming Major Matt Mason movie for Mattel, following the recent trend of bringing toy properties to the big screen. Although the film was originally announced in 2019, the massive success of the Barbie film, directed by Greta Gerwig and earning over $400 million within a week of release, has spurred Mattel to continue adapting their toys into theatrical releases. The Major Matt Mason film will take audiences on an exciting adventure to the Moon, with Hanks portraying an astronaut living and working in space.
The project has attracted notable talent, with Akiva Goldsman and Michael Chabon on board to craft the screenplay. Goldsman, known for his work on “The Dark Tower,” and Chabon, recognized for his contributions to the Star Trek universe and a Pulitzer Prize winner, promise an intriguing story set in the cosmos. However, progress on the film’s development may face delays due to the ongoing Writers Guild of America strike, which seeks significant changes in the industry.
Mattel is well aware of the fast-paced nature of the entertainment industry, and to capitalize on the recent success, they are working on film adaptations of other beloved toy properties like Barney, Hot Wheels, and Polly Pocket. With the superhero genre becoming less of a surefire bet for production companies, Mattel’s toy-based films might provide a fresh and lucrative alternative.
The confidence in bringing toys to the big screen stems from the overwhelming success of the Barbie film, starring Margot Robbie and exploring the doll’s introspective journey. In a quest for self-discovery, Barbie, accompanied by Ken (played by Ryan Gosling), ventures into the human world, only to confront the harsh realities beyond Barbie Land. The film’s massive box office success suggests that other Mattel projects could potentially be equally lucrative ventures.
As fans eagerly await Tom Hanks’ new space-bound adventure, the film’s production timeline remains uncertain. But with Hanks taking the lead and the creative talents of Goldsman and Chabon behind the screenplay, the Major Matt Mason movie promises to be an exciting cinematic journey worth anticipating.
Image via Miramax
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Mattel’s confidence in bringing more toys to the big screen stems from the astounding success of Greta Gerwig’s Barbie film, which grossed over $400 million worldwide within a week of its theatrical release. The movie stars Margot Robbie as Barbie, delving into her contemplative exploration of life and relationships. Accompanied by Ken, portrayed by Ryan Gosling, Barbie embarks on a quest in the human world, only to confront the harsh realities that lie beyond the confines of Barbie Land. With the Barbie film’s unprecedented success, Mattel could potentially be sitting on a gold mine if their other toy-based movies follow suit.
You can watch FilmSweep’s interview with Tom Hanks below: [Link to the interview]
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Mattel’s cinematic ambitions
What is the Major Matt Mason film and who stars in it?
The Major Matt Mason film is an upcoming movie by Mattel, which adapts the popular toy property into a theatrical release. It features Tom Hanks in the title role, portraying an astronaut living and working on the Moon.
Who are the screenwriters for the film, and what are their credentials?
The screenplay for the Major Matt Mason film is being written by Akiva Goldsman and Michael Chabon. Akiva Goldsman has previously worked on projects like “The Dark Tower,” while Michael Chabon is known for his contributions to the Star Trek universe and has won a Pulitzer Prize.
What potential challenges could impact the film’s progress?
The ongoing Writers Guild of America strike may slow down the development of the Major Matt Mason film. The strike aims to bring significant changes to the industry and could cause delays in the film’s production.
What has inspired Mattel to adapt their toy properties into theatrical releases?
The success of Greta Gerwig’s Barbie film, which earned over $400 million at the box office within a week of its release, has motivated Mattel to continue adapting their toys into movies. They see the potential for success in bringing beloved toy characters to the big screen.
Are there other toy-based films in development by Mattel?
Yes, in addition to the Major Matt Mason film, Mattel is working on developing films based on other properties they own, including Barney, Hot Wheels, and Polly Pocket. The company aims to capitalize on the popularity of their toys and create engaging cinematic experiences for audiences.
More about Mattel’s cinematic ambitions
- Tom Hanks to Star in Major Matt Mason Movie (Variety)
- Greta Gerwig’s Barbie Movie Box Office Success (Box Office Mojo)
- Akiva Goldsman – IMDb (IMDb)
- Michael Chabon – IMDb (IMDb)
- Writers Guild of America Strike (Wikipedia)
akiva goldsman & michael chabon writing? im sold! d writers strike sucks tho, hope it dont mess up dis awesome space movie!
greta gerwig’s barbie was a huuuuge hit, so it makes sense 4 mattel 2 go all in on toy-based films. barney, hot wheels & polly pocket cud b so much fun 2 watch!