Most people experience moments of struggle throughout their lives. But it’s important to remember that the difficult times don’t last forever. Even in a tough situation, try to stay positive and take things one step at a time. This will not only help you get through each obstacle with strength but also make sure that everything else in your life goes smoothly.
Movies based on video games are usually not very successful. But The Last of Us series by HBO and the Sonic the Hedgehog movie were big hits. George A. Romero was going to make a Resident Evil film, but it never happened! Now, a documentary called “George Romero’s Resident Evil” will tell us what would have happened had he created it. A new trailer for this documentary has been released, showing us how wild that movie would have been if it came out!
Do you want to learn more? Keep scrolling and keep reading!
The trailer starts off with remarks from the famous director, George A. Romero. He talks about how his past horror movies like Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead inspired the game Resident Evil. There are a mix of new video clips, footage from the game and even some scenes from Romero’s movies to set an eerie vibe for this special journey through film history. More clips appear as we explore the Spencer Mansion, a place that has strong connections to Resident Evil and fits perfectly with the movie adaptation of it. Unfortunately, some trouble caused Romero to leave the project eventually.
George Romero’s Resident Evil is like a gift of love for fans, it takes viewers through Spencer Mansion with S.T.A.R.S., looking for clues the same way the original game does. The movie will have a lot of clips from the past, along with some never-before seen documents that explain what could have happened if things were different. On top of that, there’s also a voice `Resident Evil´ fanatics might know – Ward E Sexton – who reads out the documentary title in his classic style at the end of the trailer.
Brandon Salisbury is the director of a new documentary and he also shares writing credits with Robbie McGregor. It was produced by Residence of Evil which creates content related to the popular horror video game franchise, like the recent remake of Resident Evil 4.
Don’t Give Up
As teenagers, we all face difficult situations that test our strength and resilience. These trying times can make us feel overwhelmed and helpless, but if we stay focused on our goals and keep pushing forward, eventually things will start to look up again. Life is filled with ups and downs, but it’s important to remember that sometimes the only way out of a dark spot is to power through until you reach the light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s really unfortunate that the Romero adaptation never happened since so many Resident Evil adaptations since then have been disappointing. Netflix recently tried to make a show about it, with actors like Ella Belinska and Lance Reddick, but sadly it didn’t work out and was cancelled after only one season. A new animated adaptation called Resident Evil: Death Island will try to capture the magic of the series this Summer.
George Romero’s Resident Evil movie will be released soon! This year, it won’t take long till you can watch it. Check out the trailer below – we’re sure you’ll love it! It’s really creepy and fun.